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AutoCAD 2000 Tutorials

Online Video Tutorials

Online UniversityTitle: AutoCAD 2000 Basics
Author: Adam Beare
Movies: 96 lessons
Duration: 4 Hours
Price: $99.95

AutoCAD 2000 is one of the world's most popular drafting packages. This 4-hour introductory AutoCAD 2000 Tutorials is geared toward the beginner, allowing them to feel comfortable within the application. Virtual Training Company author Adam Beare will go over the menus and tools of AutoCAD, along with the basics of drawing and drafting. Upon completion of the AutoCAD 2000 Tutorials, the student should have a good overall knowledge of the drafting process, taking their project all the way to print. Start learning now by clicking one of the topics below.

For complete CD Contents, please go to VTC where you can Purchase the CD or signup to the Online University for access to the entire library for just $30 a month.

Listed below are all of the chapter and lesson contents for AutoCAD 2000 Basics tutorials.

We have made some of the video tutorials for AutoCAD 2000 Basics freely available to help you evaluate our training.

Click on any of the linked lesson listings below to preview FREE!
QuickTimeTo view the Free Tutorials listed below, you must have QuickTime installed. Please note that the online free samples have been compressed for quicker downloads. Purchased CDs have higher sound and video quality.
AutoCAD 2000 Tutorials - AutoCAD 2000 is one of the world's most popular drafting packages.

AutoCAD 2000 Basics

Setting Up AutoCAD

01-Intro to AutoCAD
02-Setting Up the Display Properties
03-Confining AutoCAD's Colors
04-Auto Saves Etc....
05-Getting to Know AutoCAD
06-AutoCAD and its Areas

The Basics of AutoCAD

07-The Menus
08-The Toolbars
09-The Drawing Area
10-The Status Area
11-The Command Prompt
12-The Command Structure
13-The Smart Menu

The Basics of Setting up a Drawing

14-The New Command and the New Drawing Wizards
15-Setting Units
16-Setting Drawing Limits

The Basics of Drafting

Coordinate system and Absolute Coordinate System
Relative Coordinate System
Polar Coordinate System
Direction and Distances
Ortho Tracking and Polar Tracking with Direction and Distances
How to Select and Un-Select
Layers and How to Use Them
Getting Around in Your Drawing Using the Zoom and Pan Commands
Grips Selection

Basics Drawing

The Basic Line
Contraction Line
Poly Line
Insert Block
Make Block
Point and Its Sub Commands
End of Drawing Tools

The Basic Modify Commands I.E.

Match Properties
Edit Hatch
Edit Poly Line
Edit Spline
Edit Text
Copy/Multi Copy


Intro to Annotation
Using Single Line Text
Spelling Checker
Setting Up Text Style
Liner Dimension
Aligned Dimension
Ordinate Dimension
Radius Dimension
Diameter Dimensions
Angular Dimensions
Base line Dimensions
Continue Dimensions
Leader Dimensions
Tolerance Dimensions
Oblique Dimensions
Align Text
Dimension Styles
Setting Current Dimensions Style
QDim Dimensions
Tolerance Dimensions

The End Product

What is a Layout
How to Use a Layout
How to Set up a Layout / Viewports and Layouts
Making Single Viewport
Making Polygonal Viewport
Making Viewports Out of Closed Shapes
Clipping Viewports
Setting Up Viewport So They Don't Plot
Using Layers in Viewports
Setting Dimension Text to Self Scale to the Layout
Using Pen Settings and Making Pen Settings
Plotting and Printing
Last Word on Pen Tables and Plotting

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AutoCAD 2000 Tutorials - Video Tutorials for AutoCAD 2000