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Urban Design Book:

Sustainable Urban Design and Climate Book - Paperback: 412 pages, Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (June 8, 2010), Language: English.Product Details
Paperback: 412 pages
Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller (June 8, 2010)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.9 x 0.9 inches

Sustainable Urban Design and Climate: With Reference to Palestine

Dr. Farid Al-Qeeq (Author)

Editorial Reviews

Book Description

It is evident that the geometry of the urban form as an urban design parameter is crucial. The layout of the structure can modify the urban climate through proper design, thus improving the thermal comfort both outside and inside buildings, even reducing energy demands for heating and cooling requirements. The main goal of the research is to examine the relationship between different urban forms and the shadow patterns they generate, and to develop evaluation tools for deriving climatic design criteria suitable for use by designers. The main structure of this thesis is arranged in two parts. The first part identifies the conceptual framework of the sustainable urban design in order to provide the reader with basic information about the subject. Secondly, parametric studies have been performed to bridge the gap in the previous studies. The study compares patterns (radial and rectangular) with different orientations and their relation to solar accessibility, bilateral type of buildings, and urban density. While the analysis was mainly related to the Palestinian climate, the techniques employed may be applicable to other countries.

About the Author

Dr. Al-Qeeq has Ph.D. in Sustainable Urban Design from the School of Built Environment at Nottingham University in 2004 and he has B.Sc in Architecture & M.Sc. in Urban and Regional Planning from The Czech Technical University in Prague with distinction in 1996. Currently, serves as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, IUG. Dr. Al-Qeeq is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Architecture. As Head of the Department of Architecture, he has managed to achieve a major progress, especially to launch the Master Program in Architecture and to have the new academic plan for the BSc. approved. In addition, and during this period of time, the Department of Architecture has been selected as the best Department in the Faculty for the year 2007/2008.

Dr. Al-Qeeq was also involved, as an Urban Designer at UAD Engineering Office in numerous projects related to urban design and
city planning in Prague. In addition, Dr. Al-Qeeq has been involved in many Research Projects in Nottingham University, besides his
teaching assistantship in the Architectural Department at the School of Built Environment.

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