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ICF Homes
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In this article you will find some basic information about ICF homes.
- What does ICF stand for?
ICF is an acronym for Insulated Concrete Form
- What is an ICF?
ICF’s are stay in place forms used to build admirable concrete homes.
- What are some benefits associated ICF home?
There are quite a few benefits in building or buying an ICF home. Such as fire resistance, superior structural integrity, energy savings, and an ecologically sound building process, among others.
- How popular are ICF homes?
About three percent of homes being built today are ICF homes. It is estimated that by the year 2005, five percent of all new homes that are built, will be ICF homes.
- How do ICF homes save money?
If you ask anyone who lives in an ICF home, they will be quick to reassure you that, heating and cooling a ICF home is way cheaper than doing so with any other type of home, especially with today’s climbing oil prices.
- Do ICF homes take longer to build?
Usually when choosing to go with an ICF home, completion takes as long it takes a regular standard home to be built.
- How many ICF companies are there?
It is estimated that there are between seventy to eighty companies specializing in ICF homes.
- What makes a certain ICF company better than another?
The only difference you will notice when dealing with different ICF companies is the service they provide. There is not a whole lot of differences with ICF’s themselves, because they all do the same chore.
- Could you install an ICF yourself?
Of course you could. But you would need some insight from a professional, just to make sure that everything is being installed as it should be. This process is thought to be quite complex.
- How reliable are ICF homes?
Once you step inside of an ICF home, you will be sure to realize that these types of homes are built to last. These homes have a resistance to fire, wind, and erosion that takes place after a period of time.
- How much more would building an ICF home cost?
After reading the above, I am sure you have the impression that building an ICF home would be expensive. Even with the benefits mentioned earlier in this article, building an ICF home would be equivalent to building a two by six wood frame house. But you would experience all the benefits that ICF homes have in store.
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