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AutoCAD 2004 Tutorials

Online Video Tutorials

Online UniversityTitle: AutoCAD 2004 for Architects
Author: Ivanhoe Tejeda
Movies: 97 lessons
Duration: 8 Hours
Price: $99.95

AutoCAD is the most popular drawing tool for the architecture community. It continues to improve with each version, and 2004 is no exception. VTC’s AutoCAD 2004 Tutorials is intended for beginners who are interested in learning how to use AutoCAD 2004 as it applies to the discipline of architecture. VTC Author Ivan Tejeda will guide users through the interface and practice drawings, helping them to gain a working knowledge of the program. With practice and attention to the program, the user will develop their own style of drawing and in the end be able to create not just plans, but elevations, sections and details. To get started now, simply click one of the topics below.

For complete CD Contents, please go to VTC where you can Purchase the CD or signup to the Online University for access to the entire library for just $30 a month.

Listed below are all of the chapter and lesson contents for AutoCAD 2004 for Architects tutorials.

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AutoCAD 2004 Tutorials - AutoCAD is the most popular drawing tool for the architecture community. It continues to improve with each version.

AutoCAD 2004 for Architects


01-AutoCAD and Architecture
02-The GUI and Windows
03-Customizing the Interface
04-Drawing Lines
05-Starting a New Drawing
06-Saving a Drawing

Practice Drawing

07-Drawing Straight Lines
08-Modify Commands
09-Zoom Commands
10-Pan and Zoom Features
11-Selecting Objects/Entities
13-Develop Drawing Style

Creating an Architectural Drawing - Method A

14-Sketch File
15-Format Units and Point of Origin
16-Drawing Exact Length Lines
17-Save and Offset Lines
18-Copy Lines and Object Snap
19-Using Object Snaps
20-Save and Trim Command
21-Trim and Undo
22-Fillet Command
23-UCS Icon and Distance Command
24-Circle and Move Command
25-Line and Trim Command
26-Drawing Comments and Close File

Printing a Drawing - Part I

Basic Printing Features
Review Printing and the Scale Factor

Creating an Architectural Drawing - Method B

Common Steps and Regen Command
Modifying Lines
Extend Command
Mirror Command
Rotate Command

Introduction to Layers

Drawing a Kitchen Table
Introduction to Layers
Creating Entities and Layers
Layer Properties
Modifying Entities and Layers
Polar Tracking and Mirror Command
Express Tools: Layers
List Command and Layer Standards

Drawing with Layers and Linetypes

Creating a Sketch and Drawing a Kitchen
Creating Layers
Drawing Techniques
Continue Drawing and Modifying
Drawing the Window
Drawing the Door
Drawing the Cabinets
Drawing the Refrigerator
Drawing the Sink
Drawing the Stove


Formatting the Linetype
Modifying Lines
Autosave Feature and Closing the Drawing

Hatch Patterns

Adding a Hatch Pattern to the Floor
Adding a Hatch Pattern to the Walls
Modifying a Hatch Pattern
Using Snapbase when Hatching

The Architectural Scale Factor

What is the Scale Factor?
Calculating the Scale Factor - Three Methods
Calculating the Scale Factor - Two Methods
The Scale Factor Chart


Preparing a Sketch and Formatting Text
Drawing Text Using the Scale Factor
Modify Text Location
Object Snap Tracking
Text Properties
Dtext and Mtext


Anatomy of a Dimension
Formatting a Dimension Style
Entering Values for Dimension Style
Entering Values Continued
Drawing Dimension Lines
Editing Dimension Lines
Continuous Dimensions
Creating a New Dimension Style
Dimensioning Tips

Creating Blocks and Wblocks

What are Blocks and Wblocks?
Creating a Block
Inserting a Block
Redefine a Block
Creating a Wblock
Inserting a Wblock
Purging Block Definitions
Using DesignCenter to Insert Blocks/Wblocks


Creating Polylines
Creating a Border Using Polylines
Adding Text
Stretch Command

Model Space and Paper Space

Purpose of Model Space and Paper Space
Composing the Final Drawing - Model Space
Composing the Final Drawing - Paper Space
Psltscale System Variable

Printing a Drawing - Part II

Printing the Final Drawing Using Plot Styles
Printing Options
Model Space and Paper Space Printing


Final Words on AutoCAD

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AutoCAD 2004 Tutorials